
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

 I was thinking today about how quickly January has gone by, and about the things God has been speaking to my heart.  I wrote in my prayer journal on January the 7th, “Father,  Let this new year be a year of change.  Change in my heart, my life, and my mind.”   I had no idea when I wrote that how quickly the changes would begin.  Less than two weeks after praying this, Natalie and Joey announced they were moving.  Not exactly the kind of change I had in mind, but God sees the big picture and I only get the thumbnail version.

So, now I am wondering what God has in store next.  It seems as though He has begun to lay the ground work for other changes as well.  Ashley (Hubby) and I have been discussing the possibility of putting Drama Queen back in school in the fall, and me going back to work.  We had originally thought we would homeschool at least until she went to sixth grade, but now we are wondering if God has a different plan.   If this is the direction God is leading us in, it will mean many new changes. 

I am a little overwhelmed at the thought of dealing with all that goes along with putting DQ back in school, she has learning difficulties, and it can be a daunting task dealing with teachers and counselors to make sure her needs are being met.  This was one of the main reasons we decided to homeschool in the first place, because they weren’t.  She had great teachers, but our state’s educational system is very flawed, especially where kids with learning difficulties are concerned.   So, we need to spend a lot of time in prayer before any decisions are made.

This journey we are on leads us down many different paths sometimes, and I for one, don’t usually like being taken out of my comfort zone.  I have at times balked at the changes God has brought into my life, but this time I prayed for them, so I have no right to complain, do I?  I need to find the joy in this journey God has me on and remember that my heart’s desire is to fulfill His purpose for my life. 

Have a great Friday!

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After letting way too many years go by without having it done, we finally got the entire family together and had our family portrait made.   We had one made of the whole family and one of just the grandchildren.  They both came out beautifully, I couldn’t be happier.  I can’t wait until they’re ready, which will be on February 8th, and then I will post it to my blog (if I can be patient enough to wait for dial-up to do it’s thing).  

Hubby was off today, so we went over to Natalie and Joey’s after we got our homeschooling done and helped them finish packing and do some odds and ends that needed to be done.  They are packed except for the last minute things, and then they will just have to clean and do touch ups.   

Cupcake came home with us to spend the night and she and Drama Queen are in DQ’s bed giggling as I type this.  It’s way past both their bedtimes, but this will be the last time Cupcake is able to spend the night for a while, so I’m letting them have their fun. 

 I’m going to miss Natalie and Joey and their little ones so much, I don’t think it will sink in totally until after they’ve gone.  I’ve enjoyed being able to spend time with them at least once a week, I can’t imagine how it’s going to be seeing them only every couple of months or so.

I suppose we just have to embrace the life changes God brings our way, even when they are difficult to accept.  He has a plan and a purpose for our lives that we don’t always understand or comprehend, I’m just glad He is in control.

Have a great night!

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It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving has come and gone and Christmas is on the way.  This is the first opportunity I’ve had since last week to sit down and post.  Thanksgiving was wonderful, we ate, played, and had a great time together as a family.  Hubby was off all week, so we took advantage of the time together and got some of our Christmas shopping done. 

I’ve gotten most of my Christmas decorating done.  We are going to get our tree this weekend and I may put a few lights up outdoors, but then I’ll be finished.  I went grocery shopping Monday and got most of the ingredients for our Christmas baking.  I love this time of year, the sights, sounds, and smells of Christmas hold such wonderful memories.  I feel so blessed!

Poor Drama Queen is under the weather today.  She woke up with a temperature of 102.9 and a sore throat.  The odd thing is her throat isn’t even red.  She spent the day on the sofa, drinking ginger ale and resting.  I’m praying she feels better by tomorrow and that I don’t get whatever she has.  My throat is a little sore tonight and I feel a little under the weather, but I do not want to get sick!!  Spiderman’s third birthday is on Friday and we’re going to Chuck E. Cheese’s to celebrate.  His actual birthday party will be on Sunday but Drama Queen and I are tagging along on Friday to help him celebrate.  Nana cannot be sick!

I think I’m going to turn in early tonight.  Goodnight!

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Cupcake had her third birthday party yesterday.  It’s so hard to believe that she will be three years old tomorrow, it seems like she was just born yesterday. For that matter, it seems like her mommy should just be turning three.  Where did the time go, and how come I’m still so young? Ha! Just kidding!

 Anyway, Cupcake’s party was a smashing success.  She had a wonderful time with her family and friends.  It was held at the YMCA where she takes gymnastics, and the kids had a blast playing in the gym.  It was an ideal place to have a birthday party, very little set up and the clean up was a breeze.

I am so looking forward to Thanksgiving this year, even though none of our extended family will be visiting for the holiday.  I love preparing our family’s traditional dishes while the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade is on in the background.  I can still remember being a kid and watching the parade while my mom was cooking in the kitchen.  The aroma of turkey and dressing  takes me back in time.  This is such a special time of year, I LOVE THE HOLIDAYS!!!

We heard good news today about the weather, they’re calling for rain on Thanksgiving Day!!!!  If we actually get it we will be rejoicing, and giving thanks for the rain as well as our many blessings!  Please Lord, send us rain!


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Yesterday was such a perfect day!  We got off to a great start, with Drama Queen and I rising early and making pumpkin pancakes for breakfast. They turned out great and we enjoyed every bite! We got an early start on our schooling and got so much accomplished that I was amazed. I wish every day would go this smoothly, but then I probably wouldn’t appreciate days like that as much if they were a common occurence. Drama Queen was very cooperative and worked really hard. She really put forth her best effort today.

 Our daughter-in-love brought Spiderman and Ladybug over this afternoon for me to watch while she got things ready for her dad’s visit tomorrow.  We had so much fun. They are such incredible kids and I am so amazed by them. They both took great naps and woke up in such happy moods.  Spiderman called me when he woke up and when I went in to check on him  he called me “Nana Banana”. I cracked up! This was the first time he has ever called me that, it was totally out of the blue.  It’s so funny to see an almost three year old being humorous.

After the little ones woke up from their naps we went outside to play.  The weather was perfect, it warmed up to 70 degrees. Ladybug decided to taste the sand in the sandbox and she made the funniest faces. I wish I’d had my camera handy. She learns something new everyday. She has learned that the dog says “wuff, wuff”, the cow says “Ooooo”, and the cat says “Owww”.  It’s adorable!

I started this post last night but got too sleepy to finish, but now I’ve got to go and start our day! Have a great one!

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Hello world!

Well, finally I’m blogging! Just in case you’re wondering I chose my blog’s name from a saying my Hubby’s maternal grandmother always used to say, “What I don’t know could fill books”.  That’s exactly how I feel about blogging, and really most technical things in general.  Small children are more technologically (is that a word?) advanced than I am, but I am determined to learn. You CAN teach an old dog new tricks and I’m going to prove it! You’re never too old to learn, right?

 Anyway, the holidays are upon us, and I for one, am excited.  As I type this my Drama Queen is watching ” The Santa Clause” on the Disney channel. It’s a tad early I know, but I’m excited anticipating what’s to come.  I found out today that my mom is unable to come for a visit for Thanksgiving ( due to a fall a couple of weeks ago that she hasn’t fully recovered from) and that makes me sad, but it will be wonderful all the same.  It looks like it will just be our immediate family, but with four grandchildren  ages 3 and under, it will be happily chaotic and way too much fun! I think I may try a new recipe or two to add to our Thanksgiving menu to add some variety to our usual fare. I’ll have to look through my cookbooks and recipes that I’ve clipped from magazines to see if I can find something that looks yummy. Cooking is not my favorite pastime but I do enjoy cooking for the holidays. Well,  enough for my first post, have a great week! Velvia

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