
Archive for the ‘learning’ Category

Once again, God has humbled me and shown me that He has my life in the palm of His hand, even when I cannot see, or feel Him at work.  He showed me this evening that He is working on my behalf, even though I have not been exercising my faith and trusting Him to do just that.

This has been a tough week for Drama Queen and I in our homeschooling.  She has learning difficulties, so we experience our share of ups and downs, but this week it’s been more down than up.  I posted last night that I thought it was due, in part, to spring fever.  The weather is beginning to warm up and we’ve had a couple of  “not a cloud in the sky” days here.  That seemed a reasonable explanation for her lack of focus and concentration that went beyond the norm for her.

Today, however, I lost sight of that possibility and got angry with her for not paying attention when we were learning.   Honestly, after four days of dealing with this I was ready to pull my hair out.   Of course, I apologized to her for losing my cool, but I felt like a bad mom. 

This evening I took her to dance class and was talking to another mom, J., that I have developed a casual friendship with, and found out that she has been experiencing some difficulty with one of her children (who attends public school) this week also.  We were commiserating with one another when another mom, R.,who doesn’t normally stay during dance class, came in and sat down. 

I have to tell you that at first I was a little bummed because it squelched the conversation, as neither J., nor I felt comfortable continuing the conversation we were having.  And here is where God stepped in and opened my eyes to His mysterious and wonderful ways once again.  We struck up a conversation with R., and guess what, she is a homeschooling mom, and one of her children has learning difficulties also!!   

 We chatted and discovered that neither one of us has had any luck getting connected with a homeschool group in our area.  The ones in our county and nearby counties have disbanded for whatever reason, and are no longer active.  I have just begun searching again for a group to get involved with, and right before I left for dance I received an email from a homeschool group 30 miles away. This would be the closest one to us, and great news,  they are indeed a very active group and open to new members.  I promised to bring R. the information next week at dance class. 

I left dance with a lightened heart, knowing God had sent someone my way who knew exactly what I was experiencing and had been through it herself.    I know I am not alone in this venture,  God is with me always, but it’s nice to have other moms to talk to who understand where you’re coming from.  He brought these two women across my path at just the right time for us to encourage each other.  Don’t we serve an Awesome God?

Have a great night!

Love, Velvia

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Tonight instead of blogging, I am researching blog info.  There is so much to learn, and when you have no experience, trying to do new things can be difficult.  I have to learn things by trial and error. 

I have been working on making my blogroll collapsible, only to discover that it can’t be done unless I upgrade my blog which I don’t want to do.  So I am trying to find a way to make it drop down instead.  I think I may have to change themes in order to do that, but I’m not sure yet.  I’ll keep you posted!

Have a great night!

Love, Velvia

p.s.  If you know how to do this on WordPress and you don’t mind sharing the info. with me, please leave me a comment.  I’ll be forever grateful!  -V

p.s.#2 – I emailed WordPress support to find out how to do it and they emailed me back and said they don’t have a feature that allows you to drop down your blogroll at this time, but they will take it under consideration for the future.  So, there’s my answer.

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One of the goals I set for myself this year is to learn more about blogging.  I started my blog this past November and having been flying by the seat of my pants ever since.  I really enjoy reading blogs and have a few favorites that I try to check in with as often as possible, and when I get a few extra minutes I like to check out new ones.  It’s great to meet new people all across the country and even the world, people you would never get to know otherwise. 

I would like to make my blog more appealing, but I have no idea how.  I have been researching sites with information about blogging, but since I have no experience with html I have no idea what they’re talking about.  I feel as though I’m a visitor from a foreign country and no one speaks my language and I certainly don’t speak theirs.  There must be an easier way to go about this, right?  If anyone out there reads this and can offer me advice or recommend sites to help me,  please leave me a comment and let me know.  I will be eternally grateful!!  

On a lighter note, I want to wish my wonderful sister-in-law the happiest of birthdays.  She is truly an amazing woman!  She is a single mom to her seventeen year old son who is physically and mentally handicapped.  She is the most dedicated mom I’ve ever met, and if anyone deserves to have a great birthday, it’s her.  So, Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to you!

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I’m Excited!

Well,  it’s back to school for Drama Queen and I tomorrow and I for one am excited, Drama Queen – not so much.  I’m looking forward to a fresh start after the break, a chance to explore new subjects and learn lots of cool things.  We do have a few things to wrap up that we didn’t get to before the break, but then we’ll be on to new and exciting adventures.  I want to take some field trips, we haven’t done very many so far this homeschool year,  and I think we’re both ready to get out and explore the world around us.  It’s such a nice break from the routine to get out of the house and have fun while you’re learning!

One field trip I am going to make sure we go on is a trip to the planetarium.  I had planned for us to go during December, but it just didn’t happen.  It’s a two hour drive unfortunately, but it is well worth it, and the time together in the car will be an excellent chance for one on one with my Drama Queen.  She is such a joy to be with, sometimes I let the stress of teaching a child with learning difficulties get me down, but when I stop to focus on her as a unique individual I’m amazed by how wonderful she really is! 

I pray that the remainder of this school year will be fantastic as we strive to follow God’s leading and honor Him in all we do!

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This morning I woke up at 4:45 am with a serious sinus headache.  I got up to take something for it and couldn’t get back to sleep, so I decided to wake the dog up and take her out.  The sky was gorgeous, it was so clear and the stars were very visible.  While I was gazing at the sky I witnessed a meteor. 

The Leonid meteor showers were visible this past weekend and Hubby had seen some of the them.  Since we have been studying the stars for the past two weeks in Science, he had taken Drama Queen outside around 9:30 or so on Friday and Saturday night to see if they could see some of the meteors.  Unfortunately, they didn’t see any while they were out, (the showers were best seen after midnight and that’s too late to stay up to watch). 

Well, I got a brilliant idea!  I came back inside and woke up Drama Queen and told her to put on her bathrobe.  I told her it was 5:30 am and we were going outside to watch for meteors, and find some of the constellations that we’d been studying that aren’t visible until after we’ve gone to bed.  Needless to say, she was very confused. But she got up, put on her bathrobe and some shoes, and outside we went.  We found the Big Dipper, which is part of the constellation Ursa Major, Orion the Hunter, and Taurus the Bull.  We found the planet Venus, it was so bright!  We never did see any of the meteor shower, but it was still exciting (at least for me). 

If nothing else, we made a memory.  One she can tell her kids about someday, how her crazy mom made her get up at 5:30 in the morning to look at the stars!!  Well, learning can happen anytime, even at 5:30 am.

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