
Archive for December, 2007

It’s funny, I usually make New Year’s resolutions (at least mentally) but rarely end up keeping them.  This year I think I’m going to set goals instead of making resolutions and since I’m blogging about them they’ll be in writing.  I’ve always heard that writing down your goals is one of the best ways to insure you accomplish them, so here goes.


1. Make sure that my relationship with God is the most important one in my life, if not for Him I would have no life.

2. Be more disciplined with having my quiet time every morning. (one of the best ways to accomplish #1) 

3. Allow God to direct our homeschooling every day, be prepared and organized but be open to the Holy Spirit moving in our lives on a daily basis.

4. Call, email, and/or write my family and Hubby’s more often, especially my mom.

5. Learn more about blogging so my blog will be more interesting, and hopefully, I will be able to minister to or encourage others through it.

6. Be open to whatever God wants to do in my life on a daily basis, I have a tendency to want to stay in my comfort zone, and I’ve got to allow Him to move me out of that way of thinking and into His will.

It’s difficult to imagine that another year is coming to a close and that a new year is beginning.  I wonder what 2008 will hold for myself and my family?  I know that whatever comes our way, good or bad, God will be with us through it all.

I pray you have a blessed New Year!!

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How did Christmas get here so fast?  I can’t believe it’s only six more days until Christmas arrives, ready or not here it comes!  Actually, I am ready, all my shopping is done, presents are wrapped, and my Christmas cards were mailed over a week ago.  We’ve never been ready quite this early and I can’t figure how we managed to do it.  What’s so wonderful about being ahead of the game is now we can sit back, relax, and enjoy the rest of the season.  I spent today wrapping the last of the presents and cleaning the house, it was so nice to have a whole day to get things done.  Today was our first official day of Christmas break from homeschool and we took advantage of it.  Drama Queen and I stayed in our PJs while we wrapped presents and watched a Christmas movie on TV.  We didn’t get dressed until after 11:00 this morning, I felt positively decadent! 

On a more serious note, poor little Blue Eyes hit his head on the corner of the door frame yesterday and our daughter and son-in-love had to take him to the emergency room.  The poor little guy had to have four stitches and he’s only fifteen months old.  They stopped by on their way home from the hospital and he was asleep in his car seat, it was so sad, his poor little head had a goose egg in addition to the stitches.  You know it’s inevitable that kids are going to get hurt sometimes, but it still hurts your heart when they do.  I’m sure he’ll recover quickly, he’s a tough little guy and like most kids he’s very resilient. 

Well, I’m off to bed, have a restful night!

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I haven’t had a chance to post lately, I’ve been busy with all the usual holiday activities, and honestly I really haven’t wanted to take the time to blog.  I want to soak up all the joy that the Christmas season brings, and to reflect on why we celebrate.  This year I don’t want to let myself get so caught up in all the busyness that I don’t take time to be alone with God. 

 I found myself outside looking at the stars a couple of nights ago, and I was reminded of the Christmas when I was 15.  I remember very clearly feeling  out of sorts and wishing I was little again and still believed in Santa.  The magic of Christmas was missing!  I went outside and was looking up at the stars wishing I could feel the way I had felt when I was a child.  I couldn’t understand what was missing, why did I feel so empty?  As I stood there looking at the stars,  I realized that the reason I felt such a void was because I had left Jesus out of my celebration of Christmas. 

 I wish I could say that I made a commitment right then and there to put Him first and that I had always tried to keep that commitment, but unfortunately, I was much older when I realized that even though Jesus Christ was my Savior, He wasn’t the Lord of my life.  Fortunately, that changed about 16 years ago and I have tried to keep Christ the center of my life ever since!  Everyday, especially Christmas, is sweeter with Him as the focus.

This was not at all what I had intended to post tonight, but for some reason this is what I feel led to post.  I was going to post about taking Cupcake and Blue Eyes to have their picture made with Santa, but I guess that will have to wait until tomorrow. 

I pray that we may all make room for Christ as the focus of our Christmas celebration, and that His peace and joy permeates every aspect of our lives this holiday season.  Merry Christmas!

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Whenever I post in the evening the crazy computer dates my post with the next day’s date.  I have no clue why it does that or how to correct it!  So even though this post will have tomorrow’s date of Dec. 1st,  I actually posted it Nov. 30th.  I said all that just to clarify that I am posting this on Spiderman’s actual birthday, just for future reference.

Anyway, we had a great time today celebrating his birthday.  Our son, daughter-in-love, Spiderman, Ladybug, Drama Queen, and I went to Chuck E. Cheese’s and had lunch and played games.  We had a blast!  Afterward we went to the mall and had their picture taken with Santa.  Santa was on his lunch break when we got there and we had to wait around for an hour, so as you can imagine, Ladybug (she’s only a year old) was tired and didn’t really want to have her picture taken.  But we persevered and got a great picture anyway.  She’s crying in the picture, because she was tired not scared, but it’s adorable anyway.  Spiderman didn’t want to sit in Santa’s lap so he stood beside him for the picture.  He told Santa what he wanted for Christmas, and was very happy with the chocolate treat Santa gave him after the picture.  We congratulated him for being so brave.  

I convinced Drama Queen to have her picture made too.   Although she’s eleven and thinks she’s too old,  she did it anyway and it came out beautifully.  I’m sure this is the last year I’ll be able to convince her to do it, so this one will be extra special.  She’s growing up so fast!

It was so much fun being able to celebrate Spiderman’s birthday with him today.  He had a great time, but was tuckered out at the end of the day.  Come to think of it, so am I.  Goodnight!  

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